Summer of Sorts

IUTLINH is having quite the summer. In between trips to Berlin and Rome, I’ve been spending my time working as a communications assistant at the Bartlett School of Architecture and freelancing at The Guardian.

My time at the Bartlett revolved around The Bartlett Summer Show 2013, one of the largest architecture degree shows in the UK. Whilst there, I commissioned two videos focused on the show’s opening night and preparations for the event, respectively.

I’ll be taking a short break from this blog over the summer as I go into writing overload. I hope you’ll enjoy the sun if your somewhere where that’s a possibility, and visit back next time. Make sure you don’t miss an article by following this blog via WordPress or email. Links are on your screen.

The aforementioned videos are below:

Sophie Hunger – ‘Souldier’

Swiss crossover artist Sophie Hunger premiered the video for her new track ‘Souldier’ last week. Produced by La Blogothèque and directed by Jeremiah, the clip begins on the streets of Notting Hill Gate, following on from her appearance in ‘LikeLikeLike’, which you can see here:

The video is notable for its not-too-rosy comparison of London with Paris – the setting for ‘LikeLikeLike’. The French capital is seen through perky summer-tinted glasses, whereas London must settle for a sincere, atmospheric and moody portrayal. Yet the clips respectively get the two cities spot on. London is far from being understood as breezy and free; the city is glum, grey and gloomy. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad place to live – it just puts Londoners day-to-day life into perspective with those of our neighbours on the continent. Are we too anonymous and uptight for our own good?

Both of the tracks yield from Hunger’s 2012 set ‘The Danger of Light’, an eclectic mix of blues, folk and sophisticated pop. She plays in London on 29th May at The Garage Islington. I Used To Live In Notting Hill for one will be present.